Established to Serve the Retirees of Chrysler
The NCRO has established a multi-point mission statement:
- Protect pension and other benefits
- Do our part to keep FCA USA LLC viable and strong
- Educate, communicate, and assist
- Build camaraderie and friendship
- Grow membership/develop member advocacy
- Build a mutually-beneficial relationship with FCA USA LLC
- Improve media and member communications
- Strengthen lobbying efforts through congressional and grassroots activities
- Develop membership added value
- Collaborate with other retiree groups
- Educate and assist members on health insurance and senior-related issues
The Mission Statement guides all of the actions and activities of the NCRO. The Mission Statement and Bylaws are reviewed periodically during each year and appropriate changes are made, if necessary.
To enhance the Mission Statement and provide additional direction to NCRO actions and activities, the following strategic goals and objectives are to be implemented over the next three years (2019-2021).
These are intended to increase the participation in the NCRO as well as form it into one cohesive, active body that will serve as an “agent” for all the members and act in their best interest. These goals and objectives are designed to increase the influence of the NCRO both politically and socially.
Grow Membership/Develop Member Advocacy
- Develop strategies to grow the current level of participation in the NCRO. Concentrate on ways to solidify membership and substantially reduce the number of unpaid members. Conduct enrollment actions when deemed appropriate by the Board. (Task Responsibility – Membership)
- Solicit members with special skills (e.g., tax, accounting, communications, computer systems, research, etc.) that can assist the NCRO in becoming a more efficient and effective organization. (Task Responsibility – Communications/Volunteers/All Members)
Build a Mutually-Beneficial Relationship With FCA USA LLC
A. Improve communication between the company (FCA USA LLC) and the NCRO, and work on issues of mutual concern. (Task Responsibility – President/Communications/Insurance Committee)
Improve Media and Member Communications
A. Expand and enhance press contacts through which NCRO can be communicated by seeking out individuals who can help foster relationships with the press and bolster those relationships that currently exist. (Task Responsibility – PR Committee/Communications)
B. Continue to refine and enhance the NCRO computer website to better serve members, improve communications, explain issues confronting the automotive industry, speak to current FCA USA LLC affairs, etc. (Task Responsibility – IT/Communications)
Strengthen Lobbying Efforts Through Congressional and Grassroots Activities
A. Improve liaison activities with the NRLN for the purpose of coordinating efforts to address issues of mutual interest and assisting in the development and passage of legislation favorable to retirees. (Task Responsibility – NRLN Board Members in NCRO)
B. Seek support, where appropriate, on various legislative proposals of interest to the NCRO including, but not limited to, the following: (Task Responsibility – President/NRLN Liaison)
Pension Issues:
(1) Pension overpayment recovery.
(2) Pension plan funding should be placed above all other creditors when negotiating among stakeholders.
(3) Protect all pensioners affected by companies merging pension plans to ensure that they are not exposed to reduced pension value.
(4) Protect salaried retirees’ pension plans in mergers and acquisitions and in de-risking actions taken by companies.
(5) Pension plans must not be allowed to default and companies should be required to disclose the financial status of their pension plans, and be required to fully fund their pension plans as part of any restructuring plan.
(6) Pension funds should be used for their intended purpose and not be permitted to be used to finance employee buyouts. Such buyouts or other corporate purposes should come from general operating funds.
(7) The PBGC should be required to accept the pension plan valuation methods used by Corporate America and required by the SEC and ERISA as the basis for any pension entitlement calculations in the event of company bankruptcy.
(8) The PBGC should exhibit clear transparency and disclose the formulas and numbers used in their analysis. Also, there must be consistency within reports and with other reports.
(9) Protect Social Security and make it financially sound.
Healthcare Issues:
(1) Supplemental benefits, including healthcare, life insurance, and pension supplements, for early salaried retirees are maintained during a company’s restructuring effort. Those salaried retirees on Medicare who have lost their company-sponsored healthcare be provided catastrophic coverage that will limit their out-of-pocket cost for healthcare expenses to prevent the risk of salaried retirees being devastated financially due to such expenses.
(2) Eliminate pre-existing conditions for all 65+ seniors on Medicare.
(3) Identify current or proposed legislation or other conditions that are detrimental to the auto industry in general or the domestic industry specifically that make it less competitive.
(4) Reduce the cost of prescription drugs through re-importation and importation of safe drugs; enable Medicare to develop and take competitive bids for prescription drugs; reduce generic drug backlog and prevent collusion by drug companies.
(5) Protect Medicare and make it financially sound.
C. Meet with Congressional leaders or their designated representatives whenever possible to discuss matters of importance to the NCRO and retirees in general. (Task Responsibility – Board/Leaders)
Develop Membership Added Value
A. Develop added value programs for members, including such items as vehicle purchase, travel, and entertainment (e.g., group excursions, etc.) (Task Responsibility – Communications
B. Ensure written policies and procedures are developed for all NCRO activities or areas of responsibility.
Collaborate With NRLN and Other Retiree Groups
A. Meet periodically with related salaried retiree groups to discuss and act upon items of interest and mutual concern. Focus on auto and auto-related groups but expand to non-auto-related as well. (Task Responsibility – President)
Educate and Assist Members on Health Insurance and Senior-Related Issues
A. Educate and assist members with their FCA benefits, healthcare spending needs, and other senior-related issues through offering services and seminars providing information for contacting healthcare consultants, and communicating with members through various electronic channels. (Task Responsibility – Insurance Committee)