Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2020
Dear NCRO Member
Last week you received an email from me alerting you to a bill (HR8696) introduced in the House that includes language that the NCRO and the NRLN have worked on that dramatically increases the pension overpayment recovery protection pensioners have under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974(ERISA). Today, you should have received an Action Alert from the NRLN requesting you respond by sending the prepared email to your congressional representative.
We the NCRO Board urge you to act on this Action Alert by sending the email to your Representative asking them to sign on as a co-sponsor of the HR8696 and to support it with their vote.
This is a very important piece of legislation and your support is greatly appreciated.
Click here to email the NRLN’s sample letter to your U.S. Representative
Jay Kuhnie
President – NCRO