The NCRO has become aware that during the calendar year of 2016 FCA has initiated random audits of some pension plan participants resulting from the auditing process required by their outside auditors.
Because of these audits, some pensioners were found to have been underpaid and some overpaid. Those who were underpaid should have received payment for the shortage. Those who were overpaid have received letters asking for the overpayment to be repaid either in a lump sum or through monthly recovery from their pension payment.
Several of our members have contacted us to assist them in disputing the overpayment request. Based on our meeting with FCA we are sure that there are many more of our members or non-members who have received the underpayment and overpayment letters. This communication is being sent to search for others who have received these letters and have NOT contacted the NCRO for assistance. We are trying to secure the names and information for all of those who received underpayment and overpayment letters.
If you have received one of these letters or know of someone who has and have NOT contacted the NCRO please send us the following information…
• Date of letter received
• Length of time of overpayment/underpayment
• Amount of overpayment/underpayment
• Specifics of overpayment/underpayment request from FCA (amount of monthly adjustment, length of time for repayment, etc.)
Please send this information via email to or mail to
6001 N. Adams
Suite 205
Bloomfield Twp., MI 48304
The NCRO is actively working to get FCA to change their decision to recover the overpayment from the pensioner. We have discussed the pension recovery situation with the National Retirement Legislative Network and their legal representation. We have met with the Pension Rights Center and have received some very important direction from them on how to proceed and have secured their agreement to assist us with this. We have sent several communications to FCA and subsequently met with them. In that meeting we asked them to reconsider their decision to collect the recovery from the pensioner and for them or their supplier, who made the mistake in the calculations, to make up the pension plan shortfall.
The NCRO will continue to push FCA to resolve this overpayment recovery issue by not recovering from the pensioner. We will keep you updated on our progress.
Jay Kuhnie
President – NCRO