Next Aging seminar, August 10, 2022, 11:00 AM Wills and Trusts at the Bloomfield Township Library
My Journey With Sumi
An inspirational journal of loving caregiving
KC Mehta is a Chrysler retiree. KC is in the 9th year of taking care of his wife, Sumi, at their Michigan home. In 2013, at age 59, Sumi was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. KC and Sumi have been married for 47 years.
KC has written about his experience, sharing his thoughts and deep feelings. He hopes these writings will increase awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and help others find solace.
KC’s writings are on a website called My Journey With Sumi at:
The website is easy to navigate. There are 5 sections.
1) Our Journey: It has all KC’s essays. They are in the reverse chronological order. The latest is first.
2) Interviews: KC’s written interviews in the media, or on the radio or podcast. The latest is first.
3) Resources: Review of the books relating to Alzheimer’s disease.
4) Self-Care: What KC does for his self-care and the art projects.
5) KC’s Story: KC is planning write more in this section about their lives prior to Sumi’s diagnosis in 2013.
Please feel free to share with others. KC’s hope is that by sharing globally to a wider audience, someone, somewhere may find solace and inspiration.
As seniors age, they sometimes encounter illnesses that involve slow recovery and/or long-term care. They can be faced with life changing circumstances requiring important decisions that can alter the course of their future lives. Seniors often are not prepared for such decisions. They turn to trusted friends, religious leaders, doctors or other sources for advice.
In recent years the NCRO Aging Information Subcommittee (AISC) has conducted seminars and webinars, on several aging topics. The AISC has collected its best material and good practices into an Aging Information Library below.
NCRO believes that the information on this website was accurate at the time of its publication or presentation. NCRO makes no warranty of any kind regarding this information and is not liable or responsible for any losses or damages that may be sustained due to reliance on this information. This information does not in any way constitute legal or professional advice. The agencies and websites referred to below are independent of NCRO and NCRO is not responsible for any information or actions of such agencies or websites.
The AISC would like to offer the following tips to seniors seeking Aging services. This information is organized into 2 sections – General Information and Recommended websites, and NCRO Aging Seminar/Webinar videos/handouts.
This section discusses where seniors can get reputable aging information, and gives tips on these sources.
Non-profits – Aging service providers can be for-profit companies or non-profit. In general, the non-profits may offer lower cost services.
Hospice Care – Hospice started out as mostly non-profits. But when Medicare began to reimburse for hospice services, most larger hospitals offered Hospice services of their own. The AISC has offered webinars with two Michigan based non-profit organizations – Hospice of Michigan/Arbor Hospice and Angela Hospice of Livonia. If you are not in the SE Michigan area, the AISC suggests non-profits be contacted first.
The Area Agency on Aging and local Senior Centers – There are Area Agency on Aging on the national, state, and regional levels. These groups lobby for senior friendly policies and often offer aging services at a local level. If you have a Senior Center in your community, check out its services. In SE Michigan, there are three Area Agencies on Aging.
Medicare – The Federal government’s Medicare website provides a wealth of healthcare information that can be trusted. This site provides ratings of healthcare providers and drug plans
Senior Organizations – AARP, etc. Many senior organizations provide excellent material to retirees. However, some of these groups receive funding from advertisers, and seniors need to be careful at these sites. AARP, for example, endorses a wide range of senior insurance and commercial products.
Disease Focused Organizations – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, Heart Associations, etc. provide information which is usually trustworthy.
State Health Insurance Programs, SHIP – These organizations are federally funded and provide trusted information.
Universities – Some universities with medical programs offer medical education and advice to the public.
Major Hospitals – Hospitals compete with one another to provide medical care. Many hospitals, however, provide resume and credential data for their staff and facilities that is helpful in educating seniors and assisting in selecting providers.
Below are links to several websites, which the AISC has found to be helpful.
- Michigan Non-profit Hospices:
Angela Hospice:
Hospice of Michigan:
- Wayne State University – Institute of Gerontology:
Resource for seniors and aging populations. Also, for health professionals seeking continuing certification credits
Website below, focuses on the protection of financial assets:
- Alzheimer’s Association:
- Area Agencies on Aging:
Detroit Area Agency on Aging 1-A:
Service Area: Cities – Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Park, Grosse, Pointe Shores, Grosse Pointe Woods, Grosse Pointe Farms, Harper Woods
Area Agency on Aging 1-B:
Serving Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties
The Senior Alliance, Inc. (1-C):
Service Area: Wayne County except the cities served by 1-A.
- Presbyterian Villages of Michigan – Assisted Living:
The AISC is investigating SHIP (State Health Insurance Programs), Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and other sites for possible future inclusion to this list.
Below are several presentations on issues seniors encounter as they age – wills and trusts, hospice, dementia, medical directives, palliative care to reduce pain and suffering, housing and care alternatives, financing elder care, and insurance.
New for August 2022
Estate Planning & Pitfalls 101: Solving Estate Issues
A webinar on Estate Planning presented by Diana Moak of Pugh Moak P.C. She covers the process and steps involved in creating a quality Estate Plan.
Video Link, Presentation Slides
March 2022
The Problem with Pain
A webinar on pain in cooperation with The Institute of Gerontology – Wayne State University, “Andi” Chapman RN, CDP, CADDCT, EPECT, CMDCP, CDSGF shared her insights on Pain and understanding how it impacts individuals and families.
Video Link, Presentation Slides
November 2021
Grieving and the Grieving Process
The Aging Information Sub-Committee presents a 3-part series on the Grieving Process:
Myths About Grief and What to Expect When Grieving – Grief 101 by Cynthia R. Palmer, Grief Support Services Manager at Hospice of Michigan (HOM)
Video Link. Presentation Slides.
The Grieving Process and How Do You Go On with Your Life – Our Alzheimer’s Journey by Kanu KC Mehta, NCRO Aging Information Sub-Committee Member
Video Link. Presentation Slides.
Nurturing Yourself and the Resources Offered by the Area Agency on Aging 1-B, by Jeannine Roach, Manager of Health Promotion, Area Agency on Aging 1-B
Video Link. Presentation Slides.
JUNE 2021
Aging In Place and Senior Housing Options
This webinar was presented by the NCRO in conjunction with the Area Agency on Aging 1-B and Presbyterian Villages of Michigan. You hear from a panel of senior care experts talk about housing and care options as you age. The webinar covers resources that can help you remain at home as you age, long-term care and senior housing options, and things to consider when moving into senior housing Video link only
Misappropriation or misuse of the funds of an older and/or vulnerable adult
Includes fraud, family or friend exploitation and a review of the website Presentation slides link. Video link
FALL 2020
Solving the Mystery of Hospice – You are introduced to hospice care and what to expect when selecting a hospice care facility. Learn about the services that a hospice team provides, when it is time for hospice and what to look for in a hospice provider. The speaker is Barb Hendrickson, B.S., from Angelica Hospice. Presentation slides link. Video link.
Dementia & End of Life Needs, Care & Solutions – You will learn about the care for family members with dementia. Gain a better understanding & awareness of the signs & symptoms of Dementia. Presenter: Lynn Leach, R.N., BA., Angelica Hospice. Presentation slides link. Video link.
Estate Planning for Our Strange New World – This talk discusses wills and trusts, and has been updated to reflect the Covid world we now live in. The speaker is Diana Moak, a partner in Pugh Moak, a family law firm which specializes in estate planning, special needs planning, and elder law and advocacy. Presentation slides link. Video link.
2018 and 2019 PRESENTATIONS
Advance Directives The advanced care and patient advocate documents refer to and state a seniors needs in case he/she is incapacitated and or unconscious. Presentation slides link. Video link.
Avoiding HC Dilemmas Three hypothetical examples of seriously ill seniors who did not have the necessary care instructions beforehand. Presentation slides link. Video link 1. Video link 2. Video link 3.
Palliative vs Curative Care The Medical profession focuses on curing illness even when it increases a patient’s pain. Palliative medical care tries to minimize suffering. It can be used along with curative care or alone as death approaches. Presentation slides link. Video link.
Long Term Housing and Living Options Older seniors often need to consider home modifications and other living alternatives, such as nursing homes. Some communities offer PACE programs for day activities, allowing seniors to remain home longer. Presentation slides link. Video link.
Estate Planning and Elder Law – Discusses how to pay for long term care costs. (2016 presentation) Christopher Berry, Elder Law attorney Presentation slides link. Video link.
Long Term Care Paying Strategy 2019 presentation From an insurance agent. Discusses alternatives for paying for senior long term care costs, including insurance, Medicaid, savings and disposing of fixed assets. Presentation slides link. Video link.
Video – Life Insurance should even be considered by Retirees – by Bob Goldenthal of the NCRO